
Meet the Greater Philly Compost Crew Inspiring Sustainability Through Curbside Pick-up 

Image Courtesy-Back to Earth Compost Crew

Do you remember growing up and learning about Earth Day in school? You may have learned about things like recycling, reusing, and climate change. The effort to teach us about sustainability started at a young age, and now we have more resources than ever to continue taking care of our beautiful planet. Today, Greater Philadelphia residents can do their part by composting with the assistance of the Back to Earth Compost Crew.

What is Composting? 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “composting is a controlled, aerobic (oxygen-required) process that converts organic materials into a nutrient-rich soil amendment or mulch through natural decomposition.”

Composting is something we all can do. It’s as simple as recycling your food scraps or yard clippings in a more eco-friendly manner. 

For Great Philly residents, this Plymouth Meeting-based business is here to help your ecological footprint. 

The Back to Earth Compost Crew

Colleen Falicki started Back to Earth Compost Crew as a way to spread her lifelong mission. Since she was a child, she was curious about composting. 

Whether it was gardening with her grandparents or spreading sustainability through academics, Falicki knew that one day she wanted to create something that will impact future generations.

Today, the organization’s mission is “…to keep that food waste out of landfills and incorporate it back into the soil in our communities.” 

Back to Earth provides services in a couple of ways. 

  • Food scrap pickup for homes, offices, restaurants, and catering services
  • Compost education and consultation for yard waste 

Pick-up services cover all of Montgomery and Chester counties. The complete service area can be found on the site here

In the future, Back to Earth looks to grow its food scrap collection sites and collaborate with a local farm to process the compost. 

Why Compost?

There are a number of reasons why you should compost. Back to Earth says that 30-40% of the United States food supply goes to a landfill. 

However, be cautious because if something says “biodegradable” it doesn’t mean it’s compost. 

“A common misconception about composting is that it is that compostable means the same thing as biodegradable. Biodegradable can take a long time to break down and may not decompose entirely. Compostable items will break down into a useful soil amendment.”

Colleen Falicki – Back to Earth Compost Crew

If you want to begin composting, start with research. Falicki recommends starting with one small change in your routine. 

Earth Day isn’t just about education. It’s about action. If you want to learn more about Back to Earth, visit and find the crew on all socials. 

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